Resultados de la búsqueda

    8 Resultados
  • Ryan Lance - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering de Montana Tech.
    ConocoPhillips - Petróleo & Gas - Estados Unidos
  • Ryan Lance - Director - posee un Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering de Montana Tech.
    Freeport-McMoRan - Minas - Estados Unidos
  • John Primrose - Site Manager - has a Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering from Montana Tech and Bachelor of Commerce in Management from MacEwan University.
    5E Advanced Materials - Química - Estados Unidos
  • Brad Estes - Senior Vice President, Construction Materials - has a B. Sc.Domaine d’étudesMining Engineering from Montana Tech and Bachelor of Science in Mining and Mineral Engineering from Montana Tech of the University of Montana.
  • Sean Woolverton - Chief Executive Officer and Director - posee un Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering de Montana Tech.
    SilverBow Resources - Petróleo & Gas - Estados Unidos
  • Kevin Torpy - Vice President, Operations - posee un Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering de Montana Tech.
    Graphite One Resources - Metales preciosos y minerales - Canadá
  • Sean Woolverton - Director - posee un Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering de Montana Tech.
    Ranger Energy Services - Energía - Estados Unidos
  • Conan Mullaney - General Manager, Estevan Mine - posee un Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering de Montana Tech.
    Westmoreland Mining - Minas - Estados Unidos

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